Our Expertise
We change lives, one step at a time. How do we succeed?
Individualized services is what makes PennReach stand out amongst other providers. We create supports that center around the person’s needs, wants and dreams.
One of the biggest barriers to living in the community for special needs individuals is housing.
How do people with special needs find affordable, accessible housing? How do affordable housing developers outreach to the special needs residents? We have the answers.
PennReach is an, innovative company helping people with special needs to find homes and the services needed for them to be successful.
To accomplish this, PennReach works with leaders in affordable housing development, private and public partners to bring together housing for people with special needs for the individuals and families in need. We are always looking for more companies, developers, realtors, housing authorities, etc., to partner with.
PennReach belives that there is life beyond Nursing Homes. Anita Clavering, who moved out of the Old Bridge nursing home where she had lived for three years and into an apartment in Long Branch last October, called the change a “wonderful opportunity to live on my own with the right support” and said that she wishes she could “repay” PennReach, the nonprofit that helped her get into the apartment.
PennReach staff also work with children and adults who live at home with their families. In these cases, housing is not a barrier for living in the community successfully.